1 | 33,042 | 61,626 | roger_themes | Create themes and release them as static site |
2 | 46,491 | 61,626 | roger_sassc | Sass plugin for Roger based on libsass |
3 | 47,348 | 80,049 | roger_autoprefixer | Rack middleware and processor for using autoprefixer with Roger. |
4 | 58,678 | 80,049 | roger_better_markdown | Render markdown with code highlighting in roger. |
5 | 60,857 | 80,049 | roger_jshint | Lint JavaScript files from within Roger, using jshint.
Will use .jshintrc. |
6 | 61,320 | 80,049 | roger_yuicompressor | Processor for using yuicompressor to minify CSS/JS |
7 | 148,017 | 80,049 | roger_sprockets | Add sprockets to your roger project |