T-richards's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
130,80114,615jekyll-google-tag-managerA Jekyll plugin to add Google Tag Manager snippets to your site.
270,06426,806jekyll-latex-blockRenders LaTeX formulas to your site via KaTeX
369,31433,771spacefindFinds problematic characters in PHP source code files.
4126,86363,647sitemap-pingThis gem provides an idiomatic library for notifying search engines of sitemap updates,...
5159,86266,923dualconeDualcone encrypts your Ruby source code.
6161,45143,406show-gem-junkAnalyzes gems and shows a table of junk by percentage.
7144,00381,727jekyll-entypoA Jekyll liquid plugin for including SVG Entypo icons.