Davidesantangelo's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
115,66330,305emailhunterA tiny ruby wrapper around Hunter.io API. Hunter.io helps sales people reach their targ...
220,11012,386restcountryBasic API implementation for REST Countries API http://restcountries.eu
335,21963,432geopluginThis is a Ruby wrapper library around the API provided by Geoplugin. Geoplugin is the e...
436,55430,305share_counterThis gem makes it super easy to check how many times a page/URL has been shared on soci...
542,61941,916webinspectorRuby gem to inspect completely a web page. It scrapes a given URL, and returns you its ...
683,55563,432text_searchTextSearch allows to count the number of occurrences of a word in a text. You can use t...
785,00322,084quintlyBasic API implementation for Quintly API https://api.quintly.com
8135,77863,432apiwhaA tiny ruby wrapper around apiwha whatsapp API (https://apiwha.com)