Darinwilson's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
128,72634,466ucb_rails_userRails engine for managing user accounts within UC Berkeley's auth system
229,30022,141ucb_ldapConvenience classes for interacing with UCB's LDAP directory
354,98380,049moranMoran is a simple JSON parser/outputter for RubyMotion Android
479,24239,736ucb-hcmLightweight wrapper for the UCB HCM Api - https://developer.berkeley.edu/apidocs/employee
589,15580,049ucb_rails_cliSpin up a new UCB Rails app with many features needed for UCB apps already built in
6113,76680,049motion-asyncMotionAsync was written for use with RubyMotion Android, and makes it easy to run code ...
7114,25480,049ucb_orgsRails extension that manages UCB org unit data
8176,70461,626ucb_site_announcementsA Rails engine for site-wide announcement banners