Alexwayfer's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,4726,107filewatcherDetect changes in file system. Works anywhere.
26,31212,736r18n-coreR18n is a i18n tool to translate your Ruby application. It has nice Ruby-style synt...
38,33941,086r18n-desktopA i18n tool to translate your desktop application in several languages. It is just ...
48,46615,060sinatra-r18nA Sinatra extension that provides i18n support to translate your web application. I...
59,2697,483module_methodsExtendable module for modules with instance and class methods. These modules can be inc...
611,19741,086flameUse controller's classes with instance methods as routing actions, mounting its in appl...
712,09733,893r18n-rails-apiR18n backend for Rails I18n and R18n filters and loader to support Rails translatio...
812,40441,086r18n-railsOut-of-box R18n support for Ruby on Rails. It is just a wrapper for R18n Rails API ...
918,20115,549alt_memeryAlt Memery is a gem for memoization. It's a fork of Memery with implementation via `Unb...
1018,21741,086gorilla-patchThe `gorilla-patch` gem has been renamed to `gorilla_patch`.
1119,42711,055faraday-encode_xmlFaraday middleware for encoding requests as XML.
1222,60041,086gem_toysToys template for gems, like building, releasing, etc.
1327,32961,367datagnanHTML-templates engine, without specific (often ugly) tags. Based on 'data-' attributes.
1431,91461,367gorilla_patchRefine Ruby Core classes with methods like Active Support.
1532,45361,367filewatcher-cliCLI for Filewatcher.
1635,03561,367flame-flashShow messages (notifies, errors, warnings) in current or next routes after redirect.
1735,53161,367twitchSimplify Twitch's API for Ruby
1836,12661,367sinatra-backstageSinatra-Backstage simplifies the use of the basic routes and models for Sinatra and Dat...
1940,30661,367flame-r18nFlame extension which provides i18n support to translate your web application. It is a ...
2050,43633,893twitch-apiRuby client for the Twitch Helix API.
2155,63629,456twitch_oauth2Twitch authentication with OAuth 2. Result tokens can be used for API libraries, chat l...
2256,20515,549filewatcher-matrixSpawn Filewatchers from file with path-command matrix.
2366,70261,367formalism-model_formsStandard Formalism forms for Sequel Models, such like create, find, delete, etc.
2472,30261,367formalismSimple actions and complex forms with validations, nesting, etc.
2572,98761,367benchmark_toysToys template for benchmarks.
2676,09461,367query_stringIt supports Hashes, Arrays, nested Hashes and Arrays of Hashes and all combinations the...
2779,22611,358faraday-parse_datesParse dates from response.
2879,51261,367flame_generate_toysToys template to generate Flame application entities.
2980,03520,275config_toysToys template for applications configuration.
3080,33161,367psql_toysToys template for actions with PostgreSQL, like dumps.
3180,41261,367formalism-r18n_errorsErrors for Formalism via R18n.
3282,82361,367flame_server_toysToys for Flame web application server management, like start, stop, restart, etc.
3384,99061,367flame_deploy_toysToys template for deploying Flame application.
3487,57561,367example_fileClass helper for example files. Usualy it's the alternative to environment variables (a...
3588,52861,367sequel-enum_valuesNow your `Sequel::Model` classes has method for getting `pg_enum` values from DataBase ...
3690,73861,367flame_routes_toysToys template for printing Flame application routes.
3792,33261,367static_files_toysToys template for static (public) files of a web-application.
3898,44221,627locales_toysToys template for locales.
3999,68961,367sequel_migrations_toysToys template for Sequel migrations.
4099,96761,367rack_console_toysToys template for Rack console.
41101,66561,367gem_generatorGenerator for gems.
42104,66861,367flame-paginationPagination for Flame application with Formalism forms.
43109,76061,367formalism-sequel_transactionsSequel transactions inside Formalism forms.
44113,92841,086icomoon_toysToys for extracting IcoMoon archives.
45114,55961,367project_generatorBase for various CLI generation tools.
46155,71061,367sinatra-conditionsSinatra Conditions gives you the ability to use additional conditions.
47164,65761,367filewatcher-spinnerAn ASCII spinner in console for Filewatcher.
48165,07361,367flame-raven_contextHelper class for Sentry reports via `sentry-raven` gem from Flame web applications.
49167,02861,367bacon-custom_matchers_messagesAllows add errors messages for `bacon` custom matchers
50168,12661,367flame-sentry_contextHelper class for Sentry reports via `sentry-ruby` gem from Flame web applications.
51178,41061,367flame_app_generatorGenerator for Flame web applications.
52178,43961,367filewatcher-accessAdd `access` event for Filewatcher (where it's supported).