1 | 34,141 | 80,049 | kanoah_rspec_formatter | A RSpec formatter for Kanoah |
2 | 34,411 | 80,049 | magic_data | magic_data allows a user to setup dynamic keys at runtime and lets them retrieve the mo... |
3 | 37,409 | 80,049 | yard-cucumber2 | This is simply a published fork of yard-cucumber that works with Cucumber 2.0+, all tha... |
4 | 52,750 | 80,049 | magic_logger | Use this library effectively log different data types |
5 | 56,024 | 80,049 | ugly_face | A customized version of PrettyFace with new features (debug data, screenshot section, E... |
6 | 58,839 | 26,098 | atm_formatter | Write a longer description or delete this line. |
7 | 71,805 | 30,826 | atm_ruby | Methods to work with test management for jira api. |
8 | 72,187 | 80,049 | kanoah_ruby | Use this library to interact with the Kanoah API in Ruby |
9 | 73,516 | 80,049 | fig_magic | Combines FigNewton & DataMagic into a single gem & namespace |
10 | 82,615 | 80,049 | magic_steps | Use this library to add cucumber step helpers to your test frameworks |
11 | 108,921 | 80,049 | watir_visual_diff | Image comparison libray for Watir built on top of OilyPNG |
12 | 132,176 | 80,049 | fizz-page-object | Page Object DSL that works with both Watir and Selenium |
13 | 162,290 | 80,049 | ferris_watir | An un-opinionated testing framework built on top of WATIR which provides massive power ... |