Azohra's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
133,57738,970magic_datamagic_data allows a user to setup dynamic keys at runtime and lets them retrieve the mo...
233,87038,970kanoah_rspec_formatterA RSpec formatter for Kanoah
335,91938,970yard-cucumber2This is simply a published fork of yard-cucumber that works with Cucumber 2.0+, all tha...
451,61338,970magic_loggerUse this library effectively log different data types
555,59838,970ugly_faceA customized version of PrettyFace with new features (debug data, screenshot section, E...
658,09838,970atm_formatterWrite a longer description or delete this line.
770,60538,970atm_rubyMethods to work with test management for jira api.
871,78438,970kanoah_rubyUse this library to interact with the Kanoah API in Ruby
973,16238,970fig_magicCombines FigNewton & DataMagic into a single gem & namespace
1081,37338,970magic_stepsUse this library to add cucumber step helpers to your test frameworks
11108,32838,970watir_visual_diffImage comparison libray for Watir built on top of OilyPNG
12130,78938,970fizz-page-objectPage Object DSL that works with both Watir and Selenium
13161,13830,787ferris_watirAn un-opinionated testing framework built on top of WATIR which provides massive power ...