1 | 19,440 | 61,367 | danica | Danica |
2 | 23,737 | 61,367 | sinclair | Gem for easy concern creation |
3 | 24,891 | 61,367 | azeroth | Azeroth |
4 | 27,240 | 61,367 | arstotzka | Arstotzka |
5 | 29,537 | 61,367 | darthjee-core_ext | Extension of basic classes with usefull methods |
6 | 40,883 | 61,367 | bidu-house | Gem for easy health check |
7 | 42,547 | 61,367 | bidu-core_ext | Core Extensions |
8 | 43,263 | 13,858 | magicka | Gem for easy form templating |
9 | 57,453 | 61,367 | json_parser | Json Parser |
10 | 66,521 | 61,367 | faraday-http_error | faraday middleware to launch http exceptions for 4xx and 5xx status codes |
11 | 72,146 | 61,367 | concern_builder | Gem for easy concern creation |
12 | 82,991 | 61,367 | tarquinn | Gem for easy redirection controll |
13 | 83,213 | 61,367 | bidu-active_ext | Active Extensions |
14 | 87,259 | 61,367 | darthjee-active_ext | Extension of active support classes with usefull methods |
15 | 89,757 | 61,367 | thorwald | Gem for quick data exposure |
16 | 99,859 | 61,367 | jace | Gem focused on events for meta-programing |
17 | 102,909 | 25,716 | mercy | Gem for easy health check |
18 | 109,093 | 29,456 | phill | Gem for easy log rotation and S3 upload |
19 | 109,310 | 33,893 | dr_light | Gem for science tools |
20 | 121,063 | 61,367 | safe_attribute_assignment | Attribute Assignment that does not crash when attribute does not exist |
21 | 153,823 | 61,367 | zyra | Gem for seeding data in the database |
22 | 160,084 | 61,367 | bidu-mercy | Gem for easy health check |
23 | 175,599 | 61,367 | baleog | This rubygem does not have a description or summary. |
24 | 181,053 | 61,367 | sonezaki | This rubygem does not have a description or summary. |