1 | 22,221 | 53,556 | alexa_hue | A sinatra middleware for alexa hue actions. |
2 | 31,517 | 42,025 | alexa_couchpotato | A sinatra middleware for alexa couhpotato actions. |
3 | 43,642 | 86,038 | takeout | A powerful little tool for generating on-the-fly API clients. |
4 | 46,767 | 53,556 | alexa_objects | A pairing of objects for parsing Amazon Echo/Alexa skill requests. |
5 | 48,208 | 86,038 | alexa_transmission | A sinatra middleware for using alexa commands with transmission. |
6 | 76,716 | 86,038 | alexa_plugin_generator | A command line tool for generating singing_assistant middleware templates. |
7 | 100,380 | 31,663 | halo_stats | A stats gem for Halo 5. |
8 | 138,105 | 86,038 | alexa_halo | A sinatra middleware for checking halo stats with alexa. |