Vinted's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,13012,386sidekiq-poolAllows Sidekiq using more CPU cores on Ruby MRI by forking multiple processes.
222,62641,916interactor-initializerDry interactor initializer
332,20163,432packlink_liteClient to access shipping API
434,44863,432vinted-abAB testing gem used internally by Vinted
540,46641,916chained_jobChained job allows you to define an array of queued jobs that should be run in sequence...
646,12963,432vinted-svc_shipping_client["svc-shipping", "client"]
752,45510,434pronto-rails_migrationsThis pronto runner warns when migrations are run and application code is changed at the...
855,70316,639request_local_cacheRequestLocalCache gives you per-request cache
933,53545,895airbrake-graylog2Send Airbrake exceptions to Graylog2
1033,36714,398vinted-admin_clientVinted admin client gem
1261,70463,432vinted-svc_clientsvc client
1571,60641,916sql_fingerprintAbstracts SQL query and calculates fingerprint
1643,18245,895skit-statsdStatsd integration for Skit. Skit is Daemon Kit extension oriented for services.
1850,36745,895jenkins-nitroCommand line tool for analyzing Jenkins test duration changes between \ fast and slow b...
2086,55963,432vinted-blurrilyNative fuzzy string search
2156,96945,895vinted-will_paginatewill_paginate provides a simple API for performing paginated queries with Active Record...
2258,36845,895skit-log4r-gelfEasily configurable Log4r GELF logger for Skit
2463,48345,895skit-amqpAn alternative to DaemonKit::AMQP
25103,21525,458vinted-crummyCrummy is a simple and tasty way to add breadcrumbs to your Rails applications.
26103,22863,432vinted-memcachedAn interface to the libmemcached C client.
2767,16945,895vinted-openid_active_record_storeAn ActiveRecord store for OpenID, forked to add newer Rails support
2871,37945,895usps-vintedUSPS Webtools API for Ruby
2978,23645,895skit-loggerLogger support for Skit
30112,33845,895sinatra-error-loggerSinatra error logging middleware
32166,47663,432vinted-prometheus-client-mmapA suite of instrumentation metric primitives that can be exposed through a web services...
33173,49663,432vinted-memcached_storePlugin-able Memcached adapters to add features (compression, safety)