Chrismoody's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,4208,973material_raingularAngular is fastly evolving and has surpassed this version; however, no good convention ...
242,68920,749invisible_controllerWhen controllers are truely restful, the become more and more...
354,08924,968material_raingular-aceExtending Material Raingular with an ace code window directive.
456,10924,968material_raingular-websocketIntegration of MaterialRaingular and Websocket-Rails.
558,55453,556fuzzy_recordActive Record fuzzy search
675,33228,793material_raingular-d3D3 integration for material raingular
784,26853,556fuzzy_stringA ranking system for strings. The rank by itself is arbitrary and only has context ...
893,25686,038action_queryUse this gem to provide an easy JQuery based wrapper for your routes.
994,01586,038flying_tableTable and class maker primarily for testing
10153,96886,038rpn_calculatorSimple equation parser with a reverse polish notation calculator as a backend