Jrmhaig's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,3713,153amoebaAn extension to ActiveRecord to allow the duplication method to also copy associated ch...
27,9438,356resFormatters, parsers, and submitters for test results
38,29763,432hive-messagesHive Messages, communications between hive components.
418,75763,432hive-runnerCore component of the Hive CI runner
520,52441,916device_apiA common interface for physical devices
623,32741,916device_api-androidAndroid implementation of DeviceAPI
727,49563,432hive-runner-androidThe Android controller module for Hive Runner
828,74263,432hive-runner-iosThe iOS controller module for Hive Runner
929,53263,432mind_meldAPI for Hive Mind
1033,87063,432android-devicesHuman readable Android device names
1134,63541,916device_api-iosiOS implementation of DeviceAPI
1264,19319,893rtanqueRTanque is a game for programmers. Players program the brain of a tank and then send th...
1366,02363,432simple_stats_storeUsing SQLite3 to store statistics from a multithreaded application
1469,24741,916elite_universeImplementation of the Acornsoft Elite planet generator algorithm.
1581,02363,432hive-runner-tvThe TV controller module for Hive Runner
1682,29663,432code_cacheProvides a simple api for checking out svn and git repositories. Caches checkouts local...
17112,73741,916devicedb_commsCommunication helper gem for talking to Device Database
18114,95463,432isaAnalysis tool for investigating screenshots taken over a session
19157,52763,432talkshowRuby to Javascript communications bridge