Ifreecarve's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
113,13724,968lzutf8Compression and decompression implementation of LZUTF-8 Algorithm
213,26086,038xunit_viewerHTML report renderer for XUnit/JUnit files
316,86920,749arduino_ciTools for building and unit testing Arduino libraries
421,22823,626nmea_plusA pure-ruby parser and decoder toolkit for NMEA messages (GPS, AIS, and other similar f...
571,90786,038prism_qaPrism helps you split your apps and your design document into visible components. Its ...
688,44142,025keepachangelog_managerCHANGELOG.md (keepachangelog.com style) section updater for automated releasing
791,88086,038vivisectorVivisector helps you see inside your apps, specifically so that designers can be part o...
8154,13253,556illuminatorIlluminator enables continuous integration for iOS apps by improving the UIAutomation f...
9179,59935,920tap_parserParser for the Test Anything Protocol (TAP)