1 | 3,946 | 3,571 | immutable-struct | Easily create value objects without the pain of Ruby's Struct (or its setters) |
2 | 7,550 | 17,852 | pwwka | The purpose of this gem is to normalise the sending and
receiving of messages between... |
3 | 10,665 | 53,556 | resqutils | Utilities for using Resque in a Rails app |
4 | 11,710 | 86,038 | fittings | implement custom keys independently of environment |
5 | 12,663 | 42,025 | stitches | You'll be in stitches at how easy it is to create a service at Stitch Fix |
6 | 16,982 | 16,068 | merch_calendar | Utility for manipulating dates within a 4-5-4 retail calendar |
7 | 20,398 | 42,025 | extra_extra | Provides a simple way to include and manage release notes for internal applications by ... |
8 | 43,529 | 86,038 | endicia_ruby | Wrapper around Endicia's APIs |
9 | 54,978 | 23,626 | tech_radar | Rails engine to create and manage your own team's Technology Radar |
10 | 99,710 | 86,038 | aws_elb_health_check | Rails engine to provide a healthcheck suitable for AWS ELBs |
11 | 172,047 | 53,556 | redis_ui_rails | A drop-in Rails UI for Redis. |