Wakematta's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
113,8357,896geo_namesA Gem to expose a wrapping API for the GeoNames API's
216,4066,701zoho_signRuby gem to allow easy interaction with Zoho Sign API (v1).
380,93551,323summernote-ext-addclass-railsThis gem packages the extencion summernote-ext-addclass of Summernote editor for Ra...
4116,79351,323meaning_cloudA Gem to expose a wrapping API for the Meaning Cloud API's
5158,34051,323summernote-ext-image-attributes-railsThis gem packages the extencion summernote-ext-image-attributes of Summernote editor ...
6163,06051,323gitmoji_watchWatch a git repository for emojis in the message of each commits.