Emmahsax's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,0232,355okcomputerInspired by the simplicity of Fitter Happier, but frustrated by its lack of flexibi...
210,7789,470hubstatsGithub Statistics
313,28231,663opsicleCLI for the opsworks platform
416,63353,556octopoloA set of GitHub workflow scripts.
523,01886,038sport_ngin_aws_auditorHelps with AWS configuration
624,63486,038git_helperA set of GitHub and GitLab workflow scripts to provide a smoother development process f...
732,43442,025slack_messagingSending personalized messages and quotes to a Slack channel of your choice via the comm...
865,15417,070highline_wrapperMaking it easier to ask simple questions, such as multiple choice questions, yes/no que...
9166,106105,437sequel-adapter-cockroachdbSequel adapter for CockroachDB, based on the existing Postgresql adapter