Tangrufus's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
152,59544,005martinetAuthorization component for warden
259,89540,267vagrant-trellis-certTrust all Trellis self-signed certificates with single command
377,40344,005percy-capybara-bedrockCustom percy-capybara loader for Bedrock projects.
483,07547,929martinet-railsAutomatically load and include all common Martinet features for a standard Rails enviro...
584,896107,887viewport_units_buggyfillMaking viewport units (vh|vw|vmin|vmax) work properly in Mobile Safari.
689,54653,644vagrant-trellis-sequelOpen Trellis databases in Sequel Pro with a single command
7106,84971,169jwt-auth_zeroJWT::AuthZero is a lightweight wrapper for the JWT gem that decodes Auth0 tokens for you.
8134,04384,493vagrant-sudo-rsyncCopy files from/to a Vagrant VM with sudo and necessary SSH config