1 | 2,001 | 1,487 | telephone_number | Phone number validation |
2 | 35,557 | 35,677 | cryptosystem | Simple encryption and decryption with asymmetric (or public-key) cryptography. |
3 | 63,772 | 59,086 | existence | Exposes present? and blank? to common Ruby classes. |
4 | 137,981 | 59,086 | addr | Postal code validation. |
5 | 142,069 | 59,086 | byte | Byte conversion. |
6 | 144,339 | 35,677 | jettison | ActiveRecord fixture generator |
7 | 146,196 | 59,086 | policies | Authorization control |
8 | 148,750 | 59,086 | json_accessor | Defines accessors for JSON attributes. |
9 | 152,159 | 59,086 | scim | System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM). |
10 | 152,541 | 59,086 | scim-client | System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) client. |
11 | 152,980 | 59,086 | scim-server | System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) server. |
12 | 169,613 | 59,086 | json_to_graphql | This is an even longer description of how this gem converts
JSO... |