1 | 27,278 | 57,843 | slack_notification_generator | Does what it says on the tin. |
2 | 29,632 | 30,494 | gemfile_updater | Does what it says on the tin. |
3 | 33,000 | 57,843 | sooth | Sooth is a simple stochastic predictive model. |
4 | 35,138 | 57,843 | megahal | Have a weird conversation with a computer. |
5 | 35,698 | 57,843 | punk | Punk! is an omakase web framework for rapid prototyping. |
6 | 79,359 | 36,705 | parse_log_drain | Never loose a log again. |
7 | 80,928 | 57,843 | sesame-cli | 🧞 - "Sesame is a simple password manager for the command-line!" |
8 | 85,696 | 36,705 | rndb | RnDB is an procedurally-generated mock database. |
9 | 173,827 | 57,843 | gutenug | Not much more than that, really. Intended for my NaNoGenMo project. |