Kranzky's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
126,96953,556slack_notification_generatorDoes what it says on the tin.
229,30986,038gemfile_updaterDoes what it says on the tin.
332,84042,025soothSooth is a simple stochastic predictive model.
435,00386,038megahalHave a weird conversation with a computer.
535,57686,038punkPunk! is an omakase web framework for rapid prototyping.
679,07186,038parse_log_drainNever loose a log again.
780,93753,556sesame-cli🧞 - "Sesame is a simple password manager for the command-line!"
885,63653,556rndbRnDB is an procedurally-generated mock database.
9173,30853,556gutenugNot much more than that, really. Intended for my NaNoGenMo project.