Janx's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,3356,939rlpA Ruby implementation of Ethereum's Recursive Length Prefix encoding (RLP).
211,59711,602ruby-pinyinPinyin is a romanization system (phonemic notation) of Chinese characters, this gem hel...
314,19627,962bitcoin-secp256k1Ruby binding to bitcoin's secp256k1 implementation.
419,38346,623ruby-ethereumEthereum's implementation in ruby.
519,96484,840block_loggerA convenient logger.
620,966136,377ethashEthash is Ethereum's mining algorithm.
732,91784,840omniauth-http-basicHTTP Basic strategies for OmniAuth.
839,80134,868rails_admin_jcropJcrop plugin for rails admin. Image cropping made easy!
962,278136,377chardet2Character encoding auto-detection in Ruby, compatible with 1.9/2.0. Base on Mark Pilgri...
1072,68652,733serpentSerpent is a Python style smart contract language.
1172,93870,697ruby-codegraphUse codegraph to generate all kinds of graphviz graphs for you code, to visualize thing...
1280,59484,840devp2pDEVp2p aims to provide a lightweight abstraction layer that provides these low-level al...
1395,29884,840omniauth-broadworksBroadworks strategy for OmniAuth.
14129,177105,358tethTeth is a Ethereum smart contract test framework in ruby. It provides two testing envir...
15148,844136,377rethA ethereum full node written in ruby.
16156,134168,370factom-rubyRuby client consumes Factom (factom.org) API.