Nialtoservices's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
154,07515,400redipressAutomated server configuration!
261,93063,432wordpresstranoDeploy your WordPress sites to web servers like cPanel using the Capistrano deployment ...
365,79963,432argspecRSpec style(ish) checks for arguments
471,27111,877pursuitAdvanced key-based searching for ActiveRecord objects.
575,99163,432enum_kitNative PostgreSQL enum support for Ruby on Rails.
683,92319,893push_kit-apnsSend APNS push notifications with ease
784,52963,432simpalA simple, lightweight wrapper around PayPal's REST API.
897,01163,432freshenFreshen up installed components on your system (OS X and Linux only)
9117,53563,432ijs-railsInline JavaScript helper for Ruby on Rails.
10127,89963,432jaggThis gem uses the Gravatar API to provide you with both profile and image data.
11133,42763,432gravelUnified Push Notifications
12142,93163,432attr_passwordStore passwords securely.
13151,80441,916postdbAn easy to use library for managing your postfix database.
14152,62963,432wordpresstrano-extExtra tasks and features for the WordPresstrano gem