Okuramasafumi's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,4722,793albaAlba is the fastest JSON serializer for Ruby. It focuses on performance, flexibility an...
247,56251,323rubocop-sensibleSensible configuration for RuboCop
372,94619,477range_compacterIt accepts ranges or items with ranges and compacts them.
478,39422,530yusoA library containing shipping fee data of three major shipping companies in Japan.
588,29551,323tiny_hooksSimple, tiny and general hooks control.
6106,24551,323neconeco provides an elegant interface for commands. You can validate input, handle errors ...
7113,14051,323exec_ifExperimental gem to implement `exec_if`
8147,60316,468rubocop-gem_devRuboCop configuration for gem development
9172,28125,362xaXA provides a way to write executable annotations in Ruby.
10175,08251,323inhelintThis tiny gem checks inheritance level and warns if it exceeds the given number.
11175,17251,323sorexSorex is a highly pluggable documentation tool for Ruby.
12176,87051,323feastFeast is a web framework. It focuses on speed, simplicity and type safety. It makes dev...
13178,14151,323voskVosk is an offline open source speech recognition toolkit. It enables speech recognitio...
14178,32651,323bundler-ctags_generatorProvides a hook after gem installation to generate ctags
15178,97751,323reversibleProvides reversible method definition, inspired by ActiveRecord Migration
16179,06951,323gem_to_mgemConvert gem to mgem
17180,09851,323feikuFeiku (pronounced as "fake") is a tool to generate fake data. Unlike other solutions, i...
18180,74751,323niwaNew, Integrated, Working Annotations