Brandonc's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
15,3583,348circuitryA Circuitry publisher application can broadcast events which can be processed independe...
217,37720,749kapost_deployExecute deployments swiftly and safely using `rake promote`
320,24086,038seismographWraps dogstatsd-ruby with helpful conventions
420,93213,800circuitry-middlewareBatches and flushes circuitry SNS messages after a request finishes processing.
521,24714,857clone_kitSupports rules-based cloning, Mongoid, and distributed operations
630,55731,663cabbage_docA lean and mean *interactive API* documentation generator.
731,18216,697kapost-bootstrapperA small helper utility for your app to declare and setup its system dependencies
8134,60826,609go_versionWraps native go-version in a ruby library for deep compatibility.