1 | 2,774 | 2,497 | parse-cron | Parses cron expressions and calculates the next occurence |
2 | 5,052 | 16,639 | pronto-coffeelint | Pronto runner for Coffeelint, CoffeeScript code quality tool |
3 | 40,006 | 41,916 | merb_has_flash | Rails' 'flash' session notification system ported to Merb |
4 | 66,775 | 22,084 | redis-mmm | Automatic / manual failover |
5 | 69,092 | 41,916 | merb_has_rails_plugins | Merb plugin that provides autoloading of Rails plugins from plugins/ dir |
6 | 88,435 | 63,432 | merb_akismet | Provides spam checking with Akismet for Merb apps |
7 | 88,593 | 63,432 | middleman-ngannotate | Transform AngularJS code in the asset pipeline to be safe for minification. |
8 | 104,740 | 63,432 | ar_dbcopy | copy data from one dbms to another via active_record |
9 | 109,633 | 63,432 | attachmerb_fu | Merb plugin that provides a port of attachment_fu to merb |
10 | 115,900 | 63,432 | capistrano-scm-copy-command | General "I have a command which generates things" deploy strategy for capistrano |
11 | 120,991 | 63,432 | merb_stories | Merb plugin that provides basic support for rSpec text stories |