Siebertm's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,7832,223parse-cronParses cron expressions and calculates the next occurence
25,00913,399pronto-coffeelintPronto runner for Coffeelint, CoffeeScript code quality tool
339,88553,556merb_has_flashRails' 'flash' session notification system ported to Merb
466,62142,025redis-mmmAutomatic / manual failover
568,92186,038merb_has_rails_pluginsMerb plugin that provides autoloading of Rails plugins from plugins/ dir
688,24986,038merb_akismetProvides spam checking with Akismet for Merb apps
788,43486,038middleman-ngannotateTransform AngularJS code in the asset pipeline to be safe for minification.
8104,55286,038ar_dbcopycopy data from one dbms to another via active_record
9109,44586,038attachmerb_fuMerb plugin that provides a port of attachment_fu to merb
10115,82486,038capistrano-scm-copy-commandGeneral "I have a command which generates things" deploy strategy for capistrano
11120,75686,038merb_storiesMerb plugin that provides basic support for rSpec text stories