1 | 15,777 | 24,241 | weaver | Site generator with a simple DSL |
2 | 20,924 | 19,630 | sumomo | Sumomo |
3 | 36,053 | 18,044 | momo | Deploys Cloud Servers |
4 | 37,789 | 33,946 | kaiser | Monster management system |
5 | 43,078 | 74,510 | ruco-cpp | Generates an LL(1) parser for a grammar described in a .ruco file |
6 | 70,696 | 74,510 | chino | Tool to quickly develop cappuccino applications, and mock them up. |
7 | 107,036 | 27,620 | s3cabinet | Well actually S3 IS a key value store |
8 | 118,367 | 74,510 | bunny-tsort | Takes a directed acyclic graph and produces a schedule where things can be done in para... |
9 | 119,464 | 74,510 | kurosawa | Tribute to Kurosawa Ruby |
10 | 134,153 | 74,510 | markspec | a longer description |
11 | 144,481 | 74,510 | tataru | Tataru is a DSL for orchestrating the creation of resources |
12 | 156,107 | 74,510 | alphatau | SDL gem for ruby |
13 | 157,859 | 74,510 | bsm | a longer description |
14 | 159,943 | 74,510 | s2 | S2 generates code to handle data in an uniform manner |
15 | 162,271 | 74,510 | glot | Work with Rails translations more efficiently |
16 | 163,675 | 74,510 | kichi | Kichi is a simple commandline tool that allows you to store secrets and retrieve them a... |
17 | 170,443 | 74,510 | binrip | Ripper of binary files |
18 | 172,098 | 47,329 | dappgen | Generates Rails apps |
19 | 175,036 | 74,510 | gasm | Generates an assembler based on an assembly description |
20 | 176,297 | 74,510 | honeysearch | search karaoke |
21 | 177,433 | 74,510 | lm | Logic Minimizer Library |