Ekohl's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,0603,528fog-libvirtThis library can be used as a module for 'fog' or as standalone libvirt provider.
27,9429,510kafoIf you write puppet modules for installing your software, you can use kafo to create po...
310,8489,316kafo_parsersThis gem can parse values, validations, documentation, types, groups and conditions of ...
414,4769,922kafo_module_lintValidates Puppet modules and manifests to ensure parameters are all correctly documente...
529,10063,432hammer_cli_foreman_bootdiskForeman boot disk commands for Hammer CLI
647,66841,916minitest_reporters_githubA separate gem until https://github.com/minitest-reporters/minitest-reporters/pull/332 ...
758,36063,432metadata_json_depsVerify all your dependencies allow the latest versions on Puppet Forge
865,61963,432smart_proxy_dns_powerdnsPowerDNS DNS provider plugin for Foreman's smart proxy
981,68463,432smart_proxy_dhcp_remote_iscSmart-Proxy dhcp module provider for NFS-accessible ISC dhcpd installations
1082,48663,432smart_proxy_dns_route53Route 53 DNS provider plugin for Foreman's smart proxy
11156,66330,305puppet-lint-legacy_fact-checkA puppet-lint plugin to check that manifest files don't use legacy facts.