Adelevie's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
16,04315,124parse-ruby-clientA simple Ruby client for the REST API
216,15515,711jekyll-s3This Gem allows you to push your Jekyll blog to AWS S3. In addition, you can use this G...
317,69718,585parse_resourceAn ActiveResource-like wrapper for the Parse REST api.
426,376107,887ecfsProvides Ruby-based access to the FCC's Electronic Comment Filing System
535,23231,170iron_responseProvides a response object for IronWorker tasks.
642,98933,052iaaHelps you create IAAs
746,36534,964samwiseA Ruby library that provides access to the API
854,91453,644ParseModelAn Active Record pattern for your Parse models on RubyMotion.
981,29871,169restivusRestivus eats CSV files and spits out fully-documented RESTful endpoints.
1081,804147,291bronto-gemThesaurus gem
1187,90871,169sharpieStatic site generation with a familiar API.
1295,015107,887fcc-content-apiA Ruby wrapper for the FCC's Content API
1395,400147,291answers-coreThe core of Answers Platform. This handles the common functionality and is required by ...
1495,747147,291answers-testingThis plugin adds the ability to test against the Answers CMS gem while inside an Answer...
1595,810147,291answersGenerator and Engines for the Answers Platform
1698,52684,493moodstocksRuby wrapper for the Moodstocks image search API
17114,58271,169ra11yRuby-based accessibility testing for Jekyll and other static sites
18122,228147,291consumer-broadband-testlonger description of your gem
19132,273107,887gov-reposEasy Ruby access to US federal government GitHub repos
20132,757147,291answers-ruby-clientAccess the the Answers Platform's read/write API in idiomatic Ruby.
21136,506107,887iron-motionA RubyMotion wrapper for's REST API
22149,16684,493gsa_auctionsThe GSA Auctions website ( offers Federal personal property assets ...
23153,016147,291auctioneerRuby access to 18F's micro-purchase API