Adgar's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
124,70522,467profanalyzerAnalyzes a block of text for profanity. It is able to filter profane words as well.
243,14259,086pythonconfigPythonConfig is a module with classes for parsing and writing Python configuration fil...
369,37659,086fmylifeThis gem allows the user to access the API, which includes reading stor...
472,94559,086bloggerThe Blogger module provides services related to Blogger, and only blogger. The GData ge...
5119,22959,086ipgeolocationRemote, IP-Based Geolocation for everyone! Seriously, this gem gives you 3 different I...
6125,44959,086tagalusThis module encapsulates the API for, a site which helps users define tags on ...