1 | 69,934 | 66,011 | sinatra-paypal | Easy validation and processing of Paypal IPN payments |
2 | 83,463 | 66,011 | url-status | command line gem to check the http status of a list of urls |
3 | 97,561 | 66,011 | array_model | an ActiveRecord/Sequel style class for static reference data |
4 | 105,451 | 107,996 | git-status-all | show the status of all the git repositories in a directory |
5 | 108,137 | 29,289 | i2c-alpha_display | command line gem to control the i2c alphanumeric displays on the RPi |
6 | 109,093 | 107,996 | randomevent | A Gem to conditionally execute a block based on a certain probability |
7 | 109,185 | 107,996 | git-make_mirror | Create a non-bare remote ready to accept pushes for deployment |
8 | 112,988 | 107,996 | mysql_backups | easily make mysql backups from the command line |
9 | 113,146 | 107,996 | YAML-load_first | load the first existing YAML file |
10 | 116,870 | 40,936 | sequel-json_columns | Add json fields to sequel, even if not supported by the engine |
11 | 129,020 | 107,996 | twitter-config | load twitter credentials from a file for the twitter gem |
12 | 130,130 | 66,011 | udp_rest | Client and server modules to allow making REST HTTP requests over UDP |
13 | 159,420 | 107,996 | sinatra-liveviews | create dashboards in sinatra that instantly update when the database changes |
14 | 166,117 | 66,011 | rm_old | easily delete old files |