Woodruffw's Gems

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#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1577598ruby-machoA library for viewing and manipulating Mach-O files in Ruby.
28,30515,549spf-querySearch and retrieve SPF records for any number of hosts
311,4036,374dmarcDMARC Record Parser
411,75041,086kbsecretManages your passwords, environment, and more via KBFS.
515,56919,101dkim-querySearch and retrieve DKIM records for any number of hosts
618,3259,357muzakA library for controlling playlists and media players.
725,88861,367keybase-unofficialAn unofficial library for Keybase. This library is a wrapper over three individual lib...
838,50261,367keybase-unofficial-localThis library provides access to Keybase's desktop utility from Ruby.
944,75841,086dreckTypechecks and coerces non-option arguments.
1045,60616,044mpvA library for creating and controlling mpv instances.
1150,03541,086wolframExplore the vast world of computational knowledge available for free via Wolfram's v2 API.
1250,57861,367http-securityHTTP Security Header Parser
1354,63541,086genregenA gem for generating music genres.
1455,79761,367inihA native library for parsing INI files.
1558,59161,367ruby-sslyzeA ruby interface to the sslyze python utility
1659,35661,367ruby-eval-inA Ruby interface to https://eval.in/.
1775,02361,367bindefbindef - A DSL and command-line tool for generating binary files
1882,21623,402msrA library for controlling magnetic stripe reader/writers.
1985,86161,367ruby-upworthyA Ruby translation of http://www.upworthygenerator.com/.
2093,41041,086keybase-unofficial-apiThis library provides access to Keybase's REST API from Ruby.
2199,22123,402lzfselzfse is a Ruby gem containing bindings for Apple's LZFSE and LZVN compression algorith...
22105,94561,367grinchA simple, friendly DSL for creating IRC bots
23106,82961,367keybase-unofficial-coreThis library provides core definitions for keybase-unofficial-local and keybase-unoffic...
24106,97661,367grinch-identifyA plugin allowing Grinch bots to automatically identify with services. NickServ, QuakeN...
25115,64761,367ruby-macho-utilsA collection of command line utilities for use with ruby-macho.
26176,06813,218sigstoreA pure-ruby implementation of sigstore signature verification
27182,36615,549sigstore-cliA CLI interface to the sigstore ruby client