Woodruffw's Gems

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#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1554444ruby-machoA library for viewing and manipulating Mach-O files in Ruby.
28,44612,825spf-querySearch and retrieve SPF records for any number of hosts
311,1976,151dmarcDMARC Record Parser
411,90211,562kbsecretManages your passwords, environment, and more via KBFS.
515,5479,730dkim-querySearch and retrieve DKIM records for any number of hosts
618,45728,543muzakA library for controlling playlists and media players.
725,99735,677keybase-unofficialAn unofficial library for Keybase. This library is a wrapper over three individual lib...
838,55259,086keybase-unofficial-localThis library provides access to Keybase's desktop utility from Ruby.
944,83024,889dreckTypechecks and coerces non-option arguments.
1045,72335,677mpvA library for creating and controlling mpv instances.
1148,55059,086http-securityHTTP Security Header Parser
1250,29035,677wolframExplore the vast world of computational knowledge available for free via Wolfram's v2 API.
1354,72959,086genregenA gem for generating music genres.
1455,49535,677inihA native library for parsing INI files.
1558,71917,570ruby-sslyzeA ruby interface to the sslyze python utility
1659,43217,570ruby-eval-inA Ruby interface to https://eval.in/.
1774,98259,086bindefbindef - A DSL and command-line tool for generating binary files
1882,30759,086msrA library for controlling magnetic stripe reader/writers.
1986,00322,467ruby-upworthyA Ruby translation of http://www.upworthygenerator.com/.
2093,21835,677keybase-unofficial-apiThis library provides access to Keybase's REST API from Ruby.
2198,72422,467lzfselzfse is a Ruby gem containing bindings for Apple's LZFSE and LZVN compression algorith...
22106,05228,543grinchA simple, friendly DSL for creating IRC bots
23106,73859,086keybase-unofficial-coreThis library provides core definitions for keybase-unofficial-local and keybase-unoffic...
24107,06659,086grinch-identifyA plugin allowing Grinch bots to automatically identify with services. NickServ, QuakeN...
25115,56624,889ruby-macho-utilsA collection of command line utilities for use with ruby-macho.
26153,04728,543sigstoreA pure-ruby implementation of sigstore signature verification
27179,11735,677sigstore-cliA CLI interface to the sigstore ruby client