Matzfan's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
147,42251,220bitsharesRuby API for BitShares CLI client
247,74451,220gis_scraperScrape ArcGIS data from REST API and export to postgres db
359,19451,220arcrestWrapper for ArcGIS REST API
4124,44251,220geoservicesA simple wrapper for ArcGIS REST (GeoServices) API
5156,52818,229spn2Automate the process of saving web pages to
6157,71516,557selenium_torAn extension for Selenium::WebDriver that automates Tor Browser
7179,65251,220bsdiffRuby bindings for bsdiff and bspatch
8183,05751,220minitest-markdownGenerates tests for Ruby code blocks in any Markdown file.