Matzfan's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
147,47925,345bitsharesRuby API for BitShares CLI client
247,78326,794gis_scraperScrape ArcGIS data from REST API and export to postgres db
359,09466,732arcrestWrapper for ArcGIS REST API
4124,516101,206geoservicesA simple wrapper for ArcGIS REST (GeoServices) API
5152,75724,037selenium_torAn extension for Selenium::WebDriver that automates Tor Browser
6156,29766,732spn2Automate the process of saving web pages to
7179,32656,740bsdiffRuby bindings for bsdiff and bspatch
8183,340182,510minitest-markdownGenerates tests for Ruby code blocks in any Markdown file.