1 | 16,783 | 11,090 | build-buddy | A build buddy bot with GitHub and Slack integration. |
2 | 18,109 | 12,307 | app-tools | Generate IPA files with correct Swift and symbol files for uploading to iTunesConnect.
... |
3 | 68,100 | 37,265 | swift-tools | A suite of tools for managing and converting to Swift source code, including space/tab ... |
4 | 78,804 | 34,617 | code_tools | Tools for source code maintenance, including version stamping, line endings and tab/spa... |
5 | 92,150 | 97,080 | xcpretty-warning-counter | Formatter which counts warnings in an XcodeBuild |
6 | 100,700 | 39,646 | code-tools | Tools for source code maintenance, including version stamping, line endings and tab/spa... |
7 | 156,240 | 77,965 | csharp_2_swift | A tool that does a simple conversion of C# code to Swift.
It hits the major stuff, like... |