1 | 33,191 | 55,867 | jisx0402 | Library for search District Code(全国地方公共団体コード, JIS X 0402) of Japan. |
2 | 80,520 | 28,250 | blank_image | Rails plugin to send blank image file (e.g. 1x1 GIF) |
3 | 82,497 | 55,867 | tenkijp | Get weather informations of Japan |
4 | 83,189 | 55,867 | ruboty-fx | A ruboty handler to show a foreign currency rate |
5 | 94,255 | 55,867 | ruboty-shonin | A ruboty handler to get someone Shonin |
6 | 110,671 | 55,867 | ruboty-k8s | Ruboty handlerf for Kubernetes (k8s) |
7 | 118,415 | 55,867 | ruboty-tenkijp | A ruboty handler to get weather informations of Japan. |
8 | 129,762 | 55,867 | kubeclient-rollback-dev | WARNING: THIS GEM IS NOT PRODUCTION READY. |
9 | 136,974 | 55,867 | ruboty-tiqav | A ruboty handler to search tiqav images |