Patricklindsay's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,9832,381ckeditorCKEditor is a WYSIWYG editor to be used inside web pages
26,90911,910wice_gridA Rails grid plugin to create grids with sorting, pagination, and filters generated aut...
326,37635,920will_paginate-materializeThis gem integrates the MaterializeCSS pagination component with the will_paginate pagi...
453,29522,512integralBuilding a professional website on Rails has never been easier. Create fascinating blog...
583,93886,038block_editorA block editor for Ruby on Rails built from the Wordpress Gutenberg project
6159,69986,038carrierwave_backgrounder_revivedOffload CarrierWave's image processing and storage to a background process using Delaye...