Owencio's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,1978,586camaleon_cmsCamaleon CMS is a dynamic and advanced content management system based on Ruby on Rails...
214,13512,691cama_contact_formPermit to create unlimited of contact forms for Camaleon CMS
314,23818,677rspec_chunkedRun chunked rspec tests on specific qty, sample: CI_JOBS=3 CI_JOB=1 rake rspec_chunked
417,20185,863pub_sub_model_syncThis gem permits to sync automatically models and custom data between multiple Rails ap...
520,55515,860cama_meta_tagPermit to manage the seo attributes for each page of Camaleon CMS.
624,26849,460kubernetes_helperKubernetes helper to manage deployment files
750,68826,173camaleon_ecommerceThis is a simple E-Commerce plugin that permits to start selling in about 10 minutes, b...
852,77518,229buddy_translatableManages attribute translations translations
972,90885,863graphql_preload_queriesPermit to avoid N+1 queries problem when using graphql queries
1076,98331,961vzaar_uploaderVzaar video uploader plugin for Camaleon CMS.
1179,90820,331activestorage-delayedRuby on Rails gem to upload activestorage files in background
1289,40538,253cama_subscriber: Description of CamaSubscriber.
1396,51042,915cama_language_editorThis plugin permit to verify and complete missing translations. Also it is used to crea...
14102,79342,915camaleon_spreePermit to integrate Camaleon CMS + Spree Commerce
15102,80785,863rspec_let_cachePermit to cache let variables across tests
16105,95285,863transitions_listenerPermit to listen all transition movements
17113,15927,806rails_hotreloadAuto reloads Rails applications when assets or views have changed
18114,99826,173batches_task_processorGem that allows to process huge amount of tasks in parallel using batches
19117,55649,460camaleon_post_clone: Description of CamaleonPostClone.
20144,35960,164camaleon_post_order: Description of CamaleonPostOrder.
21155,33485,863post_reorderThis is a plugin of Camaleon to reorder contents
22155,88842,915cama_image_lightboxCamaleon CMS Plugin to display images in popup.
23157,14060,164camaleon_post_created_atCamaleon CMS plugin to permit to customize the created at date of post contents
24158,02985,863e2e_tests_connectorPermits to connect frontend apps with backend apps to run e2e tests like cypress
25177,27749,460gaco_cmsA lightweight Ruby on Rails cms suitable for any Rails application