Afomera's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,6333,954trix-railsA rich text editor for everyday writing
215,1566,174madminIt's an admin, obviously.
363,29121,532devise-bootstrappedThis gem generates nicer default views styled with Bootstrap so you have a bit of a bet...
480,17913,800richer_textA richer text editor for Rails
582,69224,968fathom_apiA gem for using the Fathom API
6114,45186,038fancynotificationsFancy Notifications adds nice CSS and JS effects to flash notices, so you don't have to.
7120,56942,025applocale-rubyEasily pull in your locales from
8157,90286,038backported_system_testsThis gem backports the work the great contributors of Rails have done for getting S...
9164,89686,038simple_historySimple historical tracking of changes
10178,51686,038relation_kitRelationKit API client