Masa331's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
118,69429,456hash_flattenA refinement which includes a method for flattening nested Hash to one level depth with...
220,51815,060shoptetAPI wrapper for interacting with Shoptet api
323,44010,251pohodaLibrary for parsing and creating Stormware Pohoda XML invoices
428,18011,504money_s3MoneyS3 XML parser and builder
550,62661,367scaffold_parserTool for fast parser scaffolding
662,50241,086damedata_parser_coreBoilerplate code for XML parsers and builders made for
778,10582,667rossumLibrary for working with
8100,50136,121pohoda_xml_validatorSimple gem with XSD validator for Pohoda XML invoices
9105,47141,086czech_bank_accountLibrary for validation of czech bank account numbers
10114,42241,086xsd_modelTakes a XSD string and parses it into a tree structure of nodes. A lot similar to Nokog...
11115,33182,667elm_in_railsUse Elm in Rails asset pipeline.
12118,52647,204it_sortsHelps you to sort arrays explicitly and comprehensibly the way you want without reverse...
13127,18996,539abbreviated_methodsJust a fun little gem for playing with Ruby standard library class Abbrev. If you inclu...
14134,78929,456money_xml_validatorSimple gem with XSD validator for Money XML
15133,56696,539zeliTesting and documenting APIs with cURL
16146,96582,667czech_inflectorInflector for inflecting czech first names and surenames. Give 1th case, take 5th. :)
17147,55596,539czech_nameDetect sex or get fifth case(vocative) for given czech name.
18161,99369,674isdocRuby lib for creating and parsing ISDOC documents
19165,44169,674file_sniffersA bunch of file sniffers for detecting various properties of different files.
20165,92582,667string_mathRuby Core clases refinements for easier calculations with numbers inside strings
21172,99096,894gpcParser for ABO's GPC bank statements
22177,66455,301csv_bank_statementParser of common czech CSV bank statements