1 | 10,637 | 53,556 | convection | This gem aims to provide a reusable model for AWS CloudFormation in Ruby. It exposes a ... |
2 | 14,323 | 35,920 | builderator | Builderator automates many of the common steps required to build VMs and images with Ch... |
3 | 22,231 | 53,556 | cps-property-generator | Generates json property files from yaml definitions to be served up by CPS. |
4 | 28,303 | 42,025 | elasticsearch-drain | The purpose of this utility is to drain documents from Elasticsearch nodes in an AutoSc... |
5 | 43,299 | 18,351 | lambda-version-manager | Updates aws lambda versions to match a yaml property file |
6 | 50,211 | 86,038 | dogwatch | DogWatch provides a simple method for creating DataDog monitors in Ruby. |
7 | 61,217 | 86,038 | cassandra-utils | Utility to manage Cassandra Monitoring and Management |
8 | 65,167 | 86,038 | daemon_runner | Small library to make writing long running services easy |
9 | 80,712 | 86,038 | dev-consul | dev/consul bundles all of Hashicorp's platform-specific binaries for Consul and provide... |
10 | 115,327 | 86,038 | cluster-discovery | This is a library that provides a generic interface to multiple cluster providers. Clu... |
11 | 119,578 | 86,038 | dev-vault | dev/vault bundles all of Hashicorp's platform-specific binaries for Vault and provides ... |