1 | 3,856 | 4,693 | pry-inline | This Pry plugin enables inline variables view like RubyMine! |
2 | 47,487 | 59,086 | pronto-textlint | A pronto runner for textlint - pluggable linting tool for text and markdown.
Pronto... |
3 | 49,507 | 35,677 | asciidoctor-i18n | This rubygem does not have a description or summary. |
4 | 52,890 | 28,543 | pronto-findbugs | A pronto runner for findbugs and spotbugs.
Pronto runs analysis quickly by checking... |
5 | 61,046 | 59,086 | pronto-checkstyle | A pronto runner for checkstyle and spotbugs.
Pronto runs analysis quickly by checki... |
6 | 96,717 | 35,677 | pronto-infer | A pronto runner for infer.
Pronto runs analysis quickly by checking only the releva... |
7 | 109,650 | 59,086 | pronto-luacheck | A pronto runner for Luacheck - Lua code analyzer.
Pronto runs analysis quickly by c... |