Aladac's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
151,59386,038eveapiruby API Client for the space based MMO EVEOnline
262,19124,968ittiTerm2 tabs color and title util
395,34186,038ruby-esiAn OpenAPI for EVE Online
4115,10335,920imlLibrary which parses strings into media objects
5135,14342,025lazy-authLazy Auth
6138,39653,556create_bundleCreate launcher app bundles with icon from app bundle
7159,23286,038rails-eve-baseMain runtime of EVE Online RoR plugins
8161,11986,038rails-middleware-generatorGenerate rack middleware for Rails
9166,61253,556lazy-config_forEasy way to handle rails config_for
10167,47386,038generatorsGenerators for Rails
11169,82253,556iml-imdbLibrary which parses strings into media objects
12170,66886,038openssl-sshThis gem adds an OpenSSL::PKey::SSH class with the ability to parse OpenSSH and resturn...
13171,05486,038thumbsdownScript to generate a thumbnail grid in the form of a PNG file from a video source
14173,02586,038evedbModel-like object wrappers for ESI
15173,79386,038active_swaggerDSL to extend ActiveModel with swagger stuff
16179,26553,556basic_serializerA lightweight and straightforward serializer for Ruby objects without heavy dependencies
17182,06486,038smtShows time in multiple timezones
18182,40786,038nrql2nerdA tool to Send NRQL queries to New Relic API and get results in NerdGraph format