Tcaspy's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,25861,367jquery_pwstrength_bootstrap_4A small wrapper over jquery.pwstrength.bootstrap library
225,36061,367active_redis_ormActiveRedis is a Ruby ORM for Redis, using ActiveModel, heavily influenced by the Activ...
345,18920,275object_cachesimple object cache for ruby
451,52433,893nike_v2_neuraNike+ API V2 Gem
551,96261,367visit-counterSimple counter increment which only writes to DB once in a while
673,50761,367counter_cachierCounter cache on steroids - requires a bit of configuration, but then simply saves coun...
787,55861,367acts_as_recaptchaSimple recaptcha plugin which allows to add reCAPTCHA validations to your forms
897,09161,367rack-bug-rails-3Debugging toolbar for Rack applications implemented as middleware
9105,72433,893neura-clientNeura client is a ruby client for the neura's custom device api
10120,75161,367cashier-ftbproAssociate different cached content with a tag, then expire by tag instead of key
11134,23361,367query_trace-rails-3With query_trace enabled, the Rails logs will contain a partial stack trace for every e...
12136,09661,367visit-counter-omriSimple counter increment which only writes to DB once in a while
13143,61341,086mongodisWrite to both redis and mongo, for atomicity and percistency.