1 | 8,116 | 5,445 | bb-ruby | BBCode for Ruby |
2 | 9,691 | 14,661 | guard-annotate | Guard::Annotate automatically runs the annotate gem when needed |
3 | 13,253 | 86,038 | cerberus | Cerberus is a Continuous Integration software for Ruby projects. CI helps you keep your... |
4 | 43,110 | 26,609 | merc_convert | Convert between Mercator Meters and Latitude/Longitude (and vice versa) |
5 | 43,900 | 86,038 | constant-contact-ruby | Ruby wrapper around the Constant Contact REST API |
6 | 45,535 | 42,025 | capybara-ui | Capybara-UI (formerly called Dill) is a Capybara abstraction that makes it easy to defi... |
7 | 71,755 | 35,920 | parsehtml | ParseHTML is an HTML parser which works with Ruby 1.8 and above. ParseHTML will even t... |
8 | 116,492 | 86,038 | rubo_claus | Define ruby methods with pattern matching much like Erlang/Elixir |
9 | 126,952 | 86,038 | redisearch | Full-text search system for Ruby using REDIS for storage |