Binarymason's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
123,01661,367amazon-searchSimple screenscraper to search Amazon and return product titles, urls, image href, etc.
259,81561,367gimme_pocGimme POC (Point of Contact) simplifies the process of extracting the common 'contact u...
360,46661,367blogbotBot that crawls the most popular articles from websites.
483,82161,367ifocusttIf Focus, Then That. Do stuff when you need to focus.
589,55561,367tdd_heartA simple executable that adds a green or red heart to tmux status bar depending on pass...
697,61161,367francThis is a simple ruby wrapper for Titus Wormer's awesome javascript language detection ...
7117,81361,367lazy_domainThe PublicSuffix gem works great if you give it nice, clean domains WITHOUT a transfer ...
8117,92861,367tagmemicsThe English language is extremely complicated. We have words that can have multiple ...
9171,88761,367rverrHint website owners of vulnerabilities