Kinoppyd's Gems

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#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
160,56061,367ruboty-haiku_wo_yomeSearch users message from Slack and find haiku
264,32918,157mobbMobb provides bot DSL
377,08261,367slack_gamePlay games on slack
480,60441,086reppRepp is a chat service interface
583,04561,367gorakuGoraku is API client for Chinachu
685,56961,367ruboty-chinachuRuboty plugin work with Chinachu server
797,84661,367blinkman-slackBlinkman adapter for Slack Realtime API.
8116,77741,086blinkmanBlinkman is the DSL for blink(1)
9118,44861,367conoha_apiConoHa API Client
10153,54861,367wtfpl_initDownload WTFPL license file and rename to or something
11160,21161,367chaos_conohaSeiso kawaii zashikiwarasi
12167,31241,086mobb-redisRedis store for Mobb
13167,52961,367git_queueText queue database based on Git
14171,23133,893mobb-activerecordExtends mobb with ActiveRecord helpers.
15174,46329,456monibuTest gem for me