1 | 1,595 | 1,169 | active_storage_validations | Validations for Active Storage (presence) |
2 | 6,498 | 5,712 | rails_db | Quick way to inspect your Rails database, see content of tables, filter, export them to... |
3 | 8,112 | 8,252 | new_google_recaptcha | Google reCAPTCHA v3 + Rails (integration) |
4 | 8,346 | 5,049 | rails_performance | 3rd party dependency-free solution how to monitor performance of your Rails applications. |
5 | 9,546 | 7,725 | any_login | Simply add this gem to your application and make your life easier with switching users. |
6 | 10,278 | 4,845 | rails_live_reload | Ruby on Rails Live Reload with just a single line of code - just add the gem to Gemfile. |
7 | 10,739 | 27,791 | active_storage_silent_logs | Silent your Active Storage logs to avoid "noise" in logs. |
8 | 13,420 | 7,873 | log_analyzer | log_analyzer gem is created to get statistics about your views rendering performance. |
9 | 14,880 | 139,268 | better_tempfile | Create Tempfile with extension. |
10 | 15,937 | 9,202 | benchmark_methods | Measure and benchmark execution time of your ruby methods. Forgot about `Time.now - t` ... |
11 | 18,816 | 7,235 | execution_time | Measure execution time in Rails console |
12 | 21,089 | 15,119 | execute_sql | Execute SQL directly in rails console or in the code. |
13 | 23,241 | 10,245 | cache_with_locale | Automatically add application locale (I18n.locale) as a part of cache key in Rails views. |
14 | 34,089 | 14,221 | avatarro | Generate avatars (gmail-like) in your apps |
15 | 39,578 | 11,900 | records_count | See in Rails console how many records your query returns. It can help with solving perf... |
16 | 41,430 | 9,721 | rails_charts | One more solution to create charts in Ruby on Rails application |
17 | 42,139 | 36,292 | rails_pdf | Reliable way to generate PDF files of any complexity. Support HTML/ERB/CSS/SCSS/PUG/Jav... |
18 | 49,849 | 17,246 | sweet_staging | Access log files on remote server |
19 | 51,182 | 14,949 | wrapped_print | Very simple utility to help your with debugging code and print values to console |
20 | 74,985 | 77,363 | transactify | Transactify gem can run your methods in database transaction. Previously you had to wra... |
21 | 80,364 | 23,102 | new_ckeditor | xxx |
22 | 83,808 | 60,752 | omg_image | Description of OmgImage. |
23 | 87,117 | 107,759 | awesome_back_url | Better back URL for your Rails applications. |
24 | 88,792 | 21,932 | ask_chatgpt | AI-Powered Assistant Gem right in your Rails console. |
25 | 91,956 | 16,808 | calculate_in_group | Rails active record grouping with range |
26 | 95,358 | 38,022 | rails_time_travel | Time Travel with timecop for your Rails app |
27 | 108,758 | 34,176 | peity_vanilla_rails | Sparklines are small but intense charts. |
28 | 116,248 | 92,362 | just_for_fun | Find your models with shortcuts. Transform numbers and arrays into AR objects. |
29 | 116,563 | 60,752 | sql_view | Simple way to create and interact with your SQL views using ActiveRecord. |
30 | 119,082 | 60,752 | rails_live | See in live what is happening on server in real-time. Track all activities. |
31 | 119,129 | 92,362 | mini-guard | Run specs when you edit your files in a smart way (in app, views, specs folder). |
32 | 124,054 | 92,362 | fake_api | The fastest way to prototype API in your Rails app using Faker and mix of rails routes,... |
33 | 130,431 | 107,759 | slim_erb_backport | Backport support for Slim 4+ version for ERB support in Slim views. |
34 | 136,184 | 77,363 | secrett11tto | Make copy-pasting much harder. |
35 | 139,192 | 107,759 | font_awesome_file_icons | Return font awesome icon based on filename. |
36 | 139,990 | 77,363 | rails_cached_method | Very easy way to cache results of your methods |
37 | 143,808 | 107,759 | sidekiq_log_analyser | Simple sidekiq log analyzer. |
38 | 144,038 | 77,363 | rails_requests | Track number of requests to your app |
39 | 153,181 | 77,363 | unsplash_image | Show the random images in your Rails app or download them to use for seeding a DB |
40 | 154,921 | 107,759 | with_record | Include more records in your relations/associations, just to DRY your code. |
41 | 157,534 | 92,362 | lazy_mobile_tester | Lazy Mobile Tester from the page |
42 | 157,997 | 139,268 | deprecations_collector | Log your deprecations in log file. |
43 | 164,055 | 107,759 | tell_my_env | See in rails console env in which you are working. |
44 | 166,042 | 139,268 | embed_view | Embed partial inline into your views to increase performance of rendering. |
45 | 166,786 | 139,268 | spring_rspec_commands_addon | Instead of receive in console |
46 | 167,834 | 139,268 | mechanical | Dynamic forms, schema, everything stored in DB |
47 | 168,767 | 139,268 | unwhere | Remove where conditions from your AR relations |
48 | 169,577 | 107,759 | sabotage | Coding & debugging must be fun. Make life a bit harder for your colleagues :) |
49 | 170,104 | 107,759 | ppp-util | pp but without returning self. Just call ppp |
50 | 170,630 | 107,759 | rrr-cli | Run only recently changed specs in your app. |
51 | 172,300 | 60,752 | hasharay_ext | Useful method to fetch data from complex hashes and arrays |
52 | 172,977 | 107,759 | mega_scaffold | Fastest way to add CRUD functionality to your Rails models. No jQuery or other frontend... |
53 | 175,807 | 107,759 | amazon_static_site | Upload static website to S3 |
54 | 175,974 | 92,362 | lazy_value | Lazy load values in Rails views. |
55 | 177,589 | 107,759 | create_update_destroy_async | Execute create/update/destroy operations asynchronously in your Rails app |
56 | 180,475 | 139,268 | chat_gpt_blocker | Simple gem (middlware) to block ChatGPT-User |
57 | 180,664 | 107,759 | railsochrome | Get better visibility of what happen on your server with logs directly in Chrome |
58 | 183,539 | 139,268 | async_magic | Simple async methods for Ruby, Ruby on Rails applications |