Igorkasyanchuk's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,5951,169active_storage_validationsValidations for Active Storage (presence)
26,4985,712rails_dbQuick way to inspect your Rails database, see content of tables, filter, export them to...
38,1128,252new_google_recaptchaGoogle reCAPTCHA v3 + Rails (integration)
48,3465,049rails_performance3rd party dependency-free solution how to monitor performance of your Rails applications.
59,5467,725any_loginSimply add this gem to your application and make your life easier with switching users.
610,2784,845rails_live_reloadRuby on Rails Live Reload with just a single line of code - just add the gem to Gemfile.
710,73927,791active_storage_silent_logsSilent your Active Storage logs to avoid "noise" in logs.
813,4207,873log_analyzerlog_analyzer gem is created to get statistics about your views rendering performance.
914,880139,268better_tempfileCreate Tempfile with extension.
1015,9379,202benchmark_methodsMeasure and benchmark execution time of your ruby methods. Forgot about `Time.now - t` ...
1118,8167,235execution_timeMeasure execution time in Rails console
1221,08915,119execute_sqlExecute SQL directly in rails console or in the code.
1323,24110,245cache_with_localeAutomatically add application locale (I18n.locale) as a part of cache key in Rails views.
1434,08914,221avatarroGenerate avatars (gmail-like) in your apps
1539,57811,900records_countSee in Rails console how many records your query returns. It can help with solving perf...
1641,4309,721rails_chartsOne more solution to create charts in Ruby on Rails application
1742,13936,292rails_pdfReliable way to generate PDF files of any complexity. Support HTML/ERB/CSS/SCSS/PUG/Jav...
1849,84917,246sweet_stagingAccess log files on remote server
1951,18214,949wrapped_printVery simple utility to help your with debugging code and print values to console
2074,98577,363transactifyTransactify gem can run your methods in database transaction. Previously you had to wra...
2283,80860,752omg_imageDescription of OmgImage.
2387,117107,759awesome_back_urlBetter back URL for your Rails applications.
2488,79221,932ask_chatgptAI-Powered Assistant Gem right in your Rails console.
2591,95616,808calculate_in_groupRails active record grouping with range
2695,35838,022rails_time_travelTime Travel with timecop for your Rails app
27108,75834,176peity_vanilla_railsSparklines are small but intense charts.
28116,24892,362just_for_funFind your models with shortcuts. Transform numbers and arrays into AR objects.
29116,56360,752sql_viewSimple way to create and interact with your SQL views using ActiveRecord.
30119,08260,752rails_liveSee in live what is happening on server in real-time. Track all activities.
31119,12992,362mini-guardRun specs when you edit your files in a smart way (in app, views, specs folder).
32124,05492,362fake_apiThe fastest way to prototype API in your Rails app using Faker and mix of rails routes,...
33130,431107,759slim_erb_backportBackport support for Slim 4+ version for ERB support in Slim views.
34136,18477,363secrett11ttoMake copy-pasting much harder.
35139,192107,759font_awesome_file_iconsReturn font awesome icon based on filename.
36139,99077,363rails_cached_methodVery easy way to cache results of your methods
37143,808107,759sidekiq_log_analyserSimple sidekiq log analyzer.
38144,03877,363rails_requestsTrack number of requests to your app
39153,18177,363unsplash_imageShow the random images in your Rails app or download them to use for seeding a DB
40154,921107,759with_recordInclude more records in your relations/associations, just to DRY your code.
41157,53492,362lazy_mobile_testerLazy Mobile Tester from the page
42157,997139,268deprecations_collectorLog your deprecations in log file.
43164,055107,759tell_my_envSee in rails console env in which you are working.
44166,042139,268embed_viewEmbed partial inline into your views to increase performance of rendering.
45166,786139,268spring_rspec_commands_addonInstead of receive in console
46167,834139,268mechanicalDynamic forms, schema, everything stored in DB
47168,767139,268unwhereRemove where conditions from your AR relations
48169,577107,759sabotageCoding & debugging must be fun. Make life a bit harder for your colleagues :)
49170,104107,759ppp-utilpp but without returning self. Just call ppp
50170,630107,759rrr-cliRun only recently changed specs in your app.
51172,30060,752hasharay_extUseful method to fetch data from complex hashes and arrays
52172,977107,759mega_scaffoldFastest way to add CRUD functionality to your Rails models. No jQuery or other frontend...
53175,807107,759amazon_static_siteUpload static website to S3
54175,97492,362lazy_valueLazy load values in Rails views.
55177,589107,759create_update_destroy_asyncExecute create/update/destroy operations asynchronously in your Rails app
56180,475139,268chat_gpt_blockerSimple gem (middlware) to block ChatGPT-User
57180,664107,759railsochromeGet better visibility of what happen on your server with logs directly in Chrome
58183,539139,268async_magicSimple async methods for Ruby, Ruby on Rails applications