1 | 3,930 | 3,847 | grape-kaminari | kaminari paginator integration for grape API framework |
2 | 6,238 | 6,398 | grape-rails-cache | HTTP and server side cache integration for Grape and Rails |
3 | 6,417 | 5,564 | redis-browser | Web-based Redis browser that can work as standalone app or mounted Rails engine. |
4 | 24,500 | 53,556 | rails_sso | Single Sign On solution via OAuth2 for Ruby on Rails. |
5 | 36,203 | 23,626 | angular-ui-select2-rails | angular-ui-select2 packaged for Rails assets pipeline |
6 | 37,905 | 86,038 | angular-leaflet-rails | angular-leaflet-directive packaged for Rails assets pipeline |
7 | 39,823 | 86,038 | sickle | Sickle is dead simple library for building complex command line tools. |
8 | 41,141 | 86,038 | angular-faye-rails | Angular + Faye, packaged for Rails assets pipeline |
9 | 52,993 | 42,025 | sanelint | Gem to encapsulate Monterail's company-wide rubocop setup. |
10 | 64,186 | 86,038 | pokapoka | Show .md files |
11 | 66,328 | 86,038 | merb-flash | Merb plugin that provides rails-like flash messages |
12 | 68,393 | 35,920 | merb-colorful-logger | Merb plugin that provides some color to merb console |
13 | 106,364 | 86,038 | workload | Distribute simple tasks to multiple threads with ease |
14 | 113,540 | 86,038 | wing | Convert github markdown with mermaid diagrams to beautiful PDF. |
15 | 119,830 | 86,038 | minirails | Smallest Rails Apps launcher |
16 | 120,991 | 86,038 | merb-i18n | Merb plugin that provides bindings to r18n |
17 | 122,075 | 86,038 | merb-ext | Merb extensions |
18 | 122,844 | 53,556 | jogger | Edytor szablonów Joggera |