Oprazak's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
17,1758,851apipie-bindingsBindings for API calls that are documented with Apipie. Bindings are generated on the fly.
29,77617,706hammer_cli_foremanForeman commands for Hammer CLI
310,35719,701hammer_cliHammer cli provides universal extendable CLI interface for ruby apps
410,9066,443foreman_ansibleAnsible integration with Foreman
511,0277,091foreman_openscapForeman plug-in for managing security compliance reports
618,24910,529foreman_templatesEngine to synchronise provisioning templates from GitHub
720,42528,327hammer_cli_foreman_tasksContains the code for showing of the tasks (results and progress) in the Hammer CLI.
822,48912,176smart_proxy_openscapA plug-in to the Foreman's smart-proxy which receives bzip2ed ARF files and forwards ...
925,35317,213foreman_scap_clientClient script that runs openscap scan and uploads the result to foreman proxy
1025,78214,252foreman_ansible_coreAnsible integration with Foreman - core parts for dealing with Ansible concepts, us...
1129,84613,689smart_proxy_ansibleSmart-Proxy ansible plugin
1230,03616,695openscap_parserThis gem is a Ruby interface into SCAP content. It can parse SCAP datastream files (i.e...
1339,34494,020hammer_cli_foreman_openscapForeman OpenSCAP commands for Hammer
1445,10928,327foreman_pipelineJenkins is able to deploy artifacts onto newly provisioned host by Foreman
1551,58994,020hammer_cli_foreman_ansibleForeman Ansible plugin for Hammer CLI