1 | 35,245 | 61,367 | rounders | bot-ish pluggable incoming mail processing framework |
2 | 84,342 | 61,367 | ruboty-can_i_borrow | Logging lending record and check lending status |
3 | 86,407 | 61,367 | ruboty-moneta | Store Ruboty's memory via Moneta |
4 | 89,555 | 61,367 | ruboty-train_delay | check train status |
5 | 99,442 | 61,367 | rounders-yaml | Store Rounders temp data in YAML. |
6 | 109,870 | 61,367 | ruboty-jira | Ruboty jira client |
7 | 111,790 | 61,367 | topping | Ruby application customize library |
8 | 116,868 | 61,367 | hugger | Collection of utility wrapper class for Ruby |
9 | 134,813 | 61,367 | rounders-rails | Ease Rounders integration with Rails |
10 | 143,668 | 33,893 | numeja | Parse numbers in japanese numerals from String. |
11 | 156,777 | 61,367 | ruboty-no_more_bocchi | very simple grouping tool |
12 | 159,779 | 61,367 | rounders-css_selector_matcher | rounders plugin, be able to matches by css selector |
13 | 162,074 | 41,086 | loose_leaf | A Rails gem for real-time collaboration using ActionCable |
14 | 170,472 | 41,086 | moguro | Decorator style assertions and type check library for Contract programming. |