Brightcommerce's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
144,35347,988attr_digestProvides functionality to store a hash digest of an attribute using Argon2
262,64134,287attr_cipherProvides functionality to transparently store and retrieve encrypted attributes in Acti...
398,23647,988globesslA Ruby API client for GlobeSSL CA resellers. This client provides almost all of the fun...
4118,85847,988internetbsA Ruby API client for InternetBS resellers.
5124,22947,988attr_arrayA high performance ActiveRecord concern for Rails using the PostgreSQL array type.
6130,11847,988attr_sequenceAn ActiveRecord concern that generates scoped sequential IDs for models.
7135,64147,988attr_translateRails concern for ActiveRecord attribute translation using PostgreSQL's JSONB datatype.
8164,58747,988attr_publishActiveRecord convenience methods and scopes for publishing and finding published, unpub...
9167,67647,988attr_slugAn ActiveRecord concern to automatically generate slug fields.