Ketanpkr's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
123,24527,184manifestIn the realm of the text file, few files have been as hard to read as MANIFEST.MF. Fran...
225,04957,843go_api_clientThis gem parses atom feed generated by the Go Continuous Integration server and provide...
337,21457,843saikuro_treemapGenerate CCN Treemap based on saikuro analysis
438,74657,843go_figureThis provides a ruby DSL to create a configuration file for the go server (thoughtworks...
541,62057,843snap_ci-parallel_testsRun Test::Unit / RSpec in parallel across multiple workers on Snap CI
659,73536,705oauth2_providerA Rails plugin to OAuth v2.0 enable your rails application. This plugin implements v09 ...
767,34657,843rubygem-with-test-unitWrite a gem description
871,06457,843rake-terraform-wrapperA ruby wrapper around terraform.
983,10657,843tagged_loggingProvides a rails style TaggedLogging for ruby apps
1092,75957,843diff-displayDiff::Display::Unified renders unified diffs into various forms. The output is based on...
11108,51036,705sendmailRuby replacement for sendmail that uses an external smtp server.
12122,70857,843jdtcJDTc provides a wrapper around eclipse's java compiler, this makes it a dropin replacem...
13125,63257,843jasmine-rails-lightProvides a Jasmine Spec Runner that plays nicely with Rails 3.1 assets without jasmine-...
14128,18957,843tw-studios-jruby-profA Ruby level profiler for JRuby
15146,65057,843ketan-mithril_railsEasily compile HTML into Rails views for Mithril.
16149,75557,843middleman-navsidebarThis extension provides helpers for printing parts of the tree in your middleman templa...
17150,99157,843snapciSnap CI Client. CLI and Ruby Library.
18163,52257,843dmonMakes for easy process management across rubies and OSes