Willcannings's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
18371,619http-parserA super fast http parser for ruby. Cross platform and multiple ruby implementation ...
212,77525,716libuvAn opinionated wrapper around libuv for Ruby
313,96541,086uv-raysOpinionated abstractions for Libuv
416,91461,367spider-gazelleSpidergazelle, spidergazelle, amazingly agile, she leaps through the veldt, Spide...
517,0489,444perusSimple system overview server
619,99161,367co-elastic-queryElasticsearch query generator
728,24061,367ruby-tlsAllows transport layers outside Ruby TCP to be secured.
829,55261,367impromptuComponent and dependency manager for Ruby
930,38161,367couchbase-idOverwrites the existing couchbase-model id implementation
1032,72161,367condoProvides signed upload signatures to your users browsers so they can upload directly to...
1138,51361,367ruby-svdSingular Value Decomposition with no dependency on GSL or LAPACK
1242,25441,086theraC++ Data Mining Library for Ruby
1356,76161,367yodelYodel CMS
1456,91861,367yodel_adminYodel CMS Admin Extension
1563,65661,367protomsgProtocol Message Buffers for C. This gem generates C socket code for reading and writin...
1665,53261,367yodel_shopYodel CMS Shop Extension
1765,71361,367yodel_production_environmentYodel Production Environment Support
1865,74561,367yodel_development_environmentYodel Development Environment
1965,99161,367yodel_blogYodel CMS Blog Extension
2066,16261,367yodel_queueYodel CMS Queue Extension
21130,23961,367ruby-graphmlRuby GraphML Parser